On January 1, 2025, Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll transferred their law practice to the local offices of Miller Thomson LLP.

Lee Sauer and David Jutzi together with their clerks are continuing their legal practice as members of Miller Thomson LLP. 

The move to Miller Thompson LLP offers significant benefits for existing and future clients.  Miller Thomson is a full-service business law firm with tailored offerings for the Region of Waterloo and surrounding Townships and Counties. The members of Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll have prided ourselves on serving our clients and can best continue to serve your legal needs going forward at this dynamic law firm.  Miller Thomson LLP showcases a team of dedicated lawyers and staff who work together to make a difference in the lives of their clients. The firm provides a network of competent and qualified professionals and various practice areas across Canada.

Please add a link in your browser to Miller Thomson LLP.

We have appreciated every one of our clients since 1982 and look forward to the years ahead continuing our practices at Miller Thomson LLP.


You may reach the lawyers as follows:


Lee Sauer can be contacted at 519-593-3207

Email: lsauer@millerthomson.com


David Jutzi can be contacted at 519-593-2430

Email: djutzi@millerthomson.com


For clients of Richard Noll, please note that Rick has continued his practice at GIFFEN LLP.

Ric can be contacted at 519-578-4150

Email: ric@giffenlawyers.com


Ted Dueck is retired from law practice and is now working as a private mediator and arbitrator.

Ted can be contacted at 519-581-7714

Email: ted@tdueckmed-arb.ca